For over 25 years we have been friends with the Stockdales who a few years ago began a ministry called Engage Our World which was connected to a international ministry called Healing Waters.They go to impoverished countries and raise funds here locally to be able to install water treatment systems to give hundreds of people clean safe drinking water. My heart was drawn immediately towards this couple and their vision from the Lord. Since that time they have successfully installed two systems in different parts of the Dominican Republic. People’s lives are being transformed, entire villages are benefiting and their quality of life is improving from something most of us here in the west think nothing of…clean water.

The Lord impressed on our hearts to sow the seed to this ministry so we took the 80.00 and matched it and gave it to this ministry.They were so encouraged  and were freshly reminded that the Lord is growing this work… it was like refreshment to their own souls that they are being faithful to carry this vision the Lord birthed.

We as a family plan from this time to support this ministry monthly as we found ourselves freshly reminded of what it means to be the hands and feet of Jesus and to be obedient to how He chooses to lead.