Helping Students Discover Jesus
We don’t believe students are just the church of tomorrow, we believe they are the church of today. They have impact, influence, and matter more today than ever. Hope Hill Students is designed to help middle school and high school students come to know Jesus, follow Him, and lead others to do the same.
Every Sunday night, our 6th-12th grade students gather together for games, worship, a message geared toward them, and then break into gender & grade specific small groups. We are all about helping students realize how amazing Jesus is, creating a life-giving and fun atmosphere, and building community while doing life together.
Question? Contact us at
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Time & Location
We meet every Sunday night at 6:00 PM for students in the 6th-12th grades. We would love for your student to join us this week!
Sunday 6:00PM
The Property House (15024 Dumfries Rd)
Student Ministry Events
Summer Camp 2024
All 6th-12th grade students are invited to join The Hill Student Ministry as we go on our annual summer camp trip!
The Hill Student Ministry is excited to walk alongside your students as they grow in their relationship with Christ. Summer Camp is an awesome opportunity every year for your students to be in community with one another, have fun, and learn to make their faith their own. We hope to see your student at summer camp this year!
We are so excited to be heading to Thomas Road Outpost in Lynchburg, VA. TRO is filled with amazing activities like hiking, archery, a shooting range, rope swings, a beach right on the lake, and plenty more!
In addition, multiple daily breakout sessions cover a wide range of relevant topics, from apologetics and missions to relationships and Bible doctrine. Each day concludes with small group sessions, and time for community with our group.
Our hope is that students would have a firm understanding of their identity in Jesus Christ. We desire for each student to know that they are created in God’s image and have inherent dignity, value, and worth. Even more, we desire our students to know the riches of an identity founded on being a beloved child of God.
Our hope is that students would know the importance of belonging to a community that follows and glorifies Jesus Christ. We desire to foster intentional small group, large group, and event settings for our students to feel connected and valued.
Our hope is that students would know their purpose as disciples of Jesus Christ. We desire for our students to know God’s story and see themselves as a part of what God is doing in the world. The gospel doesn’t just save our students from something—it calls them into something!
We would love to answer any questions you have about our Student ministry. Feel free to contact us any time through the link below.
Be a part of reaching teenagers with us!
Hope Hill Students is always looking for volunteers who love helping, serving, and equipping students in their walk with the Lord. If you’d like to become a volunteer, we’d love to serve with you!