
As we enter Holy Week, we will be reflecting on the journey from Jesus’ triumphal entry to his death and burial. Before reading the reflection below, spend a minute or two asking the Holy Spirit to open your soul to worship and meditate on Christ’s journey to the cross.


The people of Israel bowed and worshiped when the first Passover began. They worshiped God because he would spare them from Death.

God was coming and he would thwart Death that time. Yet Death would continue to have a hold on the lives of all the people of the earth.

God would send a prophet to the nations as a messenger who told of  salvation that would come if they would just turn from their ways.

Instead of listening, they beat them up. Instead of listening, the killed them.

Then God sent decided to send the only Son, Jesus, to earth. Jesus came in the flesh. He grew in stature. He worked as a carpenter. Then he was baptized and went into ministry.

Then after many stories, many travels, many miracles came this day. A day when the farmhands of the world—religious leaders, politicians, regular people like you and me—decided it would be better to kill the Son than to follow the ways of God.

Little did they know what was about to happen.

The stone the builders rejected, the Son that they were planning to kill, this Jesus of Nazareth that they were conspiring against: he was the Passover Lamb.

He would accomplish more than they could ever imagine with his body and his blood.


Take a few moments to pray that God would cultivate a worshipful heart within you, attune to the power and calling of the Holy Spirit.