Sunday church gave out envelopes with cash & said do something good & love someone with it. I don’t know how many envelopes or if it was the same amount in each one. But the total given out was $3,000. We took our envelope & added to it & added to a collection we had started for hats & gloves for a low income elementary school. Well it’s cold, and school is cancelled tomorrow,so we started at the near by trailer park. Trailers aren’t a regular thing here like in the south. In fact I didn’t know there were any local until my kids started at Occoquan elementary because this one is across the street. The rest will go to a school, but we gave out a lot to kids tonight. I’m thankful for a husband that participates in my Shenanigans even when it’s snowing & our own finances are disastrous.‪ #‎LoveDoesAtHHC

(Originally shared on #LoveDoesAtHHC)